Ever wondered what a Naturopath Specialising in Women’s health can do for you?


She can help you take control of your hormones, waistline & energy and help you get back to the real you!

Do you need a little help feeling fit and fabulous again?

There is no reason for us women to feel like each one of the seven dwarfs day in and day out. We have too many things to get done, are everything to many, yet we often leave ourselves last!

Before you know it, your quality of life is suffering, and it’s not as easy to shake it off or reset as quickly as it was in your 20’s.

Hi, I’m Janet!

I’m a Naturopath, Metabolic Balance® Practitioner, HeartMath ®Stress Coach, with over 25 years of experience as a Registered Nurse. My approach is simple: keep things achievable, sustainable, and practical so they fit in with your lifestyle and allow you to get back to doing what you love!

I’ve been where you are now!  As a single mum, 40-year old, working as a Clinical Nurse in a busy hospital, I suddenly found myself overwhelmed with weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia and allergies

I prioritised my family and career and never had time for myself - the one person needed to make all that possible.

Things soon became undone. The pressure to be all things was too much. A lack of sleep and no energy fuelled my anxiety, weight gain and mood swings, and I felt like I was losing control. I threw myself into exercise, personal training, eating “well”, and herbal medicine, but I remained fatigued, frazzled and frumpy

I wasn’t an easy person to get along with, and I hated myself for it. 

Despite doing everything “right”, I continued to gain weight and lose energy alongside my sanity.   I thought I was going crazy.

When I was smack bang in the middle of it, I lacked the clear mind I needed to find my way out. Looking back, it is now easy to see I had all the hallmarks of oestrogen dominance as a part of my perimenopause journey. 

I found my way out of this turmoil by leaving my job and concentrating on something that would let me get off the merry go round of fatigue and weight gain.

It was then that I began to notice that I was not alone, there were many other women experiencing similar issues.  My clients were united by weight gain, and frustrated with foggy heads, mood swings and fatigue.  

They’d tried ALL the things.  Intermittent fasting, 800 diet, Keto, blah blah, you name it… But still finding themselves back at the beginning.  Unable to get off the Merry Go Round…

I sought out a method that did not require any excessive exercise (phew because I was burnt out!), calorie counting or meal skipping.  WE deserve long lasting results.  No more yo yo “diets, no more putting on kgs just by looking at a cake.

The most outstanding thing I wanted for my clients was balance.  A balanced mood, sleep and waistline in ease with the life I’ve created for myself.  I wanted an end to the fatigue, mood swings, headaches, joint pain, period pain and have food that I enjoyed and that my body enjoyed having.

That is when I discovered Metabolic Balance®, and it was then that I could finally heal myself.  I feel like I have taken back my control of my life I want to help you do it too.

What people are saying.


“This program is so much more than weight loss, I feel like I’m back baby”


“I love how personalised this program is and while I am losing weight in a healthy way I am also grateful for a plan of attack in addressing sub clinical hypothyroidism, reducing inflammation and hopefully avoiding full blown Hashimoto’s .”

— Sallie

“You will be seen! You are powerful, wise, fun and courageous.”

— Janet Haworth

Why choose me to be your partner in health?

Specialist Areas

  • Mental health

  • Depression and anxiety

  • IBS & digestive issues

  • Gut health & Dysbiosis

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • General immune conditions

  • Allergies and intolerances

  • Skin conditions

  • Vaginal health

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Perimenopause & menopause

  • Endometriosis & PCOS

  • Stress management

  • Low energy & adrenal fatigue

  • Thyroid problems

  • Weight management

Book an appointment today.

The clinic is open on Tuesday, Thursdays & Friday.

Both Telehealth (online) and in-person appointments are available.